The Resident Evil movie franchise reaches its conclusion in 2017 with the appropriately titled Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. With filming on the final installment of the series now underway in South Africa, series star Milla Jovovich recently posted a photo from the set of the film featuring the makeup and prosthetics she’ll wear as an older version of Alice, the character she’s played through all five installment of the series so far.
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Posted to Instagram, the photo features the work of some talented makeup and prosthetic experts who helped Jovovich get into character as “Old Alice.”
Jovovich has endeared herself to fans of the franchise with frequent updates from the sets of the last few Resident Evil films, offering up behind-the-scenes photos, video, and early peeks at the development of the films.
Set in the immediate aftermath of the previous film, Resident Evil: Retribution, The Final Chapter finds Alice once again battling the forces of the evil Umbrella Corporation. Now with its sights set on eradicating the remaining survivors of the undead apocalypse, Umbrella must overcome yet another challenge from Jovovich’s Alice, who must first regain the superhuman abilities she lost in the prior film if she has any hope of saving humanity.
Along with Jovovich, the film also features the return of Ali Larter (Heroes) as Claire Redfield, Iain Glen (Game of Thrones) as Dr. Alexander Isaacs, and Shawn Roberts (Edge of Darkness) as Albert Wesker. New additions to the cast include Ruby Rose (Orange Is the New Black) as Abigail, Eoin Macken (The Night Shift) as Doc, William Levy (Cuidado con el ángel) as Christian, Fraser James (Law & Order: UK) as Michael, and Japanese TV personality Rola as Cobalt.
Franchise writer/director Paul W.S. Anderson also reprises his dual roles behind the camera for The Final Chapter, having written all of the previous films and directed three of the five installments.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is scheduled for release in theaters January 27, 2017.
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