List Of YouTube Networks

I decided to post a thread of all networks i know in youtube and compile information how to get partnered, requirements and overall benefits of the networks. I try to update this frequently as possible, but i won't be including every subnetwork inside the thread since they usually offer same stuff as main network

Few things i need to clear for beginners though

  • No Lock-in = Means that contract doesn't have time period. You can leave when you want from the network, but due to Google's own rules you have to wait 30 days till you are unpartnered, this is that all networks have obey, so don't blame network for googles rules please.
  • CPM (Cost Per Mille) = means how much you get paid for ever 1,000 views what affects in CPM's value is usually three things which are 1) How long is the video 2) How long did the user watch the video 3) What country is the watcher from? Usually West Europe, North America, Australia and Japan pay the biggest money, while as countries like Indonesia, Phillipines and African region pay really low numbers.
  • CPM Grade = My own term for usual CPM inside the network, this is most of the time factored by the networks ad sales team and how much own adverts they sell instead of google ones.


One of the largest networks out there in YouTube (Over 5000 partners and 3 Billion views). An UK based network, with lot of cool features that many can find useful. They have reliable support that answers pretty fast once you contact them (not on weekends)

There has been some problems of peoples support messages not gone through, but for most part people who have asked for unpartnership have been released.

  • Revenue Share: 90%
  • CPM Grade: C+
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal, Western Union & Bank Transfer. 1$ in Paypal and Western Union and Bank have higher ones.
  • Requirements: No actual view requirements, but you need few videos to get validated on + no content that you do not own yourself 
  • Contract Length: No Lock-in
  • Channel Types: All types
  • Perks: Audio Library, Sponsorships (Soon)
  • Partner Now

Freedom is largest network based on YouTube currently for having lot of smaller channels inside and few really big ones. They also have quite a lot sub networks and other stuff too. They have one of the most vast range of different sponsorships out there, also you can get partnership to if you are partner with freedom.

Freedom network owner used to be working on broadbandTV (TGN etc.) which did lot of unethical stuff say the least. George vanous has lot of shadyness/controversy around him, but that hasn't reflected too much on running the network itself. People have been paid in time, unpartnered on time etc. 

  • Revenue Share: Default is 60%, if you have 1000 daily views you can get 70% and it can rise up to 95%, requirements are pretty high though for increases compared to rest of networks. 
  • CPM Grade: B -
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal and no payment threshold
  • Requirements: 1000 views in last 30 days (33 per day), but may sometimes let you in long as no copyrighted content
  • Contract Length: No Lock-in
  • Channel Types: All types
  • Perks: Audio Library, Partnership for everyone, Product Sponsorships, Collab System, Guides/Tools in custom dashboard, referral program and more..
  • Partner Now
Union for Gamers is one of the newer networks, owned by the great marketing behemoth Curse. Contracts were created by notorious Athenewins, one of the first networks to offers no-lock in and high revenue shares in the YouTube market. Also they have personal AD sales team, which means generally higher CPM than in networks that don't have sales team.Although they only accept Gaming Channels in the network.

Curse has very good reputation and there is not lot of bad things to say about them, they are not really a proactive network when it comes to channel promotion, but its more like financial partnership, with good benefits.

  • Revenue Share: 90%
  • CPM Grade: A
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal and 1$
  • Requirements: 8000 views in last 30 days or 4000 views in last 30 days if you have 1000 subscribers
  • Contract Length: No Lock-in
  • Channel Types: Gaming Only
  • Perks: Great Support & Referral Program
  • Partner Now


Bent Pixels is high quality network and its not too easy to get in, but they have some sub networks, which accept with lower requirements in than the main branch. They also have very impressive dashboard with lot of tutorials and great information and tips.

Bent Pixels has okay reputation, but these guys hardly answer any support messages you sent them, ive been personally neglected alot by questions i asked them. They talk about promotion too, but they are not doing hardly any shit aside from monthly newsletters.

  • Revenue Share: Default is 50% and rises up to 90%, but only based on subscribers which kinda sucks a lot, since they huge numbers.
  • CPM Grade: A
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal and none
  • Requirements: Not shown on the website
  • Contract Length: 1 year contract
  • Channel Types: All Types
  • Perks: Spreadshirt Premium Service, Branded Content Deals, AudioMicro Library and great dashboard
  • Partner Now

Music Nations Network

A once Sub-network under Creative nation, but now their very own network. They have specialized parts in their network for example Gamers Nation and others which go more specific in certain channel type. They use the very same dashboard with creative nation though.

There has been some shady stories that partners have been scammed and some people not getting their payments. Based on the CPM Grades and everything else, Creative nation is much better choice, since they are essentially the same stuff.


A Russian Network with probably all the biggest Russian channels inside their network probably, they also have great deal of non-russian channels too. They own multiple sub-networks too.


I hate to generalize, but always be very careful when it comes to dealings with russians. QuizGroup has lot of problems going with them. First of all their payments randomly change each month you never know when you are really getting paid, but once treshold is met they will pay you. They have also decency to accept scam channels inside their network, they don't do any type of copyright checks so all type of scam channels are getting inside too. The funny thing is that they usually pay your channel even tho its terminated or you get copyright strike. Also i want to clear that Referral program really isn't 10% its only 2% of partners earnings, which is bit scam way of promotion things.

  • Revenue Share: 80%
  • CPM Grade: B
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal, Web Money and Bank Transfer, there doesn't seem to be payment thresholds
  • Requirements: 1000 views in last 30 days + 10 Subscribers
  • Contract Length: 2 year contract
  • Channel Types: All Types
  • Perks: Audio Library + Referral Program
  • Partner Now


One of the largest networks out there having lot of million subscriber channels inside their network and they are powerhouse to reckon with. While it might be bit hard to get in, ive heard great things about them though. Haven't been inside yet their network so my information at the moment is more limited.

There has been some talks about Fullscreen not giving a shit about their partners and not answering support messages (The usual). Aside from that i haven't read people not getting paid or something like that.

  • Revenue Share: 60%, 70% & 80%
  • CPM Grade: A-
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal ?
  • Requirements: No idea, bit higher than most of the networks in this list
  • Contract Length: 2 years?
  • Channel Types: All Types
  • Perks: Heard they have sponsorship opportunities
  • Partner Now
Broadband or also known as or TGN has pretty much few networks under them. Was former company of George Vanous (Owner of FreedomTV). They have been in the market for long time pretty much.

These guys have been big assholes when it comes to actual payments, also at same time there has been cases where they have intentionally dropped CPM and ripped partners off. They are not releasing partners either from the contracts when they have asked to. 

  • Revenue Share: 60%
  • CPM Grade: D
  • Payment Options & Thresholds: PayPal & No Treshold 
  • Requirements: It says 5000 views monthly, but they might have dropped that
  • Contract Length: 2 years 
  • Channel Types: All Types
  • Perks: They offer Viso Catalyst which has tag optimization 
  • Partner Now
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